Simply blog on!
Thank you Sulekha Team for being my mentors on weblog. I could never have reached 100 and beyond mark in writing blogs but for your most inspiring posts with motivating words like “Your call:”. “What's your stand?”, “Simply blog on..”, and so on. And, add to it the encouraging “Hurray!” and “Congratulations” emails sometimes, that made my day.
Thank you Sulekha Team, for keeping us, the members, informed, and connected with the community worldwide; for new ideas discovered, or blind alleys averted. You have proved Weblogs have a place in society that's as strong as their place in decentralizing news gathering and reporting. And there's more. All you are doing is lowering the barrier, making it easier to get in. That's a big deal of course, because every year, and each time through the loop, it's bigger, and it gets easier. You, I have felt, place no restrictions on the form of content being posted. It can be anything: a passing thought, an extended essay, a quick reflection on some subject or another, or a rare childhood recollection. Everyone could publish, a thousand voices could flourish, communicate, connect, nothing less than an outbreak of self-expression. Each is evidence of a staggering shift from an age of carefully controlled information provided by sanctioned authorities, to an unprecedented opportunity for individual expression on a worldwide scale.
The Sulekha bloggers, by virtue of simply writing down whatever is on their mind, are confronted with their own thoughts and opinions. Blogging often, they become more confident writers. A community of people may spring up around the public record of their thoughts. Being met with friendly voices, they gain more confidence in their view of the world; they begin to experiment with longer forms of writing, to play with haiku, or to begin a creative project--one that they would have dismissed as being inconsequential or doubted they could complete earlier. As they enunciate their opinions daily, this new awareness of their inner life may develop into a trust in their own perspective. Their own reactions--to a poem, to other people, and, yes, to the media--will carry more weight with them. Accustomed to expressing their thoughts on Sulekha, they are able to more fully articulate their opinions to themselves and others. Ideally, they become less reflexive and more reflective, and find their own opinions and ideas worthy of serious consideration. Their readers will remember an incident from their own childhood when the bloggers relate a memory. They will click back and forth between blogs and analyze each blogger's point of view in a multi-blog conversation, and form their own conclusions on the matter at hand. Doing this, they may begin a similar journey of self-discovery and intellectual self-reliance.
New Year’s Blog Resolutions. Do you make New Year’s Resolutions? I usually don’t because I find them so difficult to keep. But, as we enter 2009, I’ve been thinking about them as they relate to blogging. Here is one blog resolution that, I hope, should be easy to keep and that will go a long way towards ensuring a successful year: Spend more time commenting on other blogs. This one is easy to forget in the push to create more unique, quality content, but it’s not something to lose sight of, no matter how successful our blog becomes. Building relationships with other bloggers is important, I have realized. This profound experience of engaging other bloggers in conversation about the interests they share is, indeed, very exhilarating. We may reflect on a book we are reading, or the city we have visited, or may simply jot notes about our life. These fragments, pieced together over months, can provide an unexpectedly intimate view of what it is to be a particular individual in a particular place at a particular time. I must acknowledge here that I am motivated to make this resolution by many of my fellow bloggers and readers who were kind to make comments on my blogs from time to time. Thank you Kala, Gopal, Ether, Sridharra, Sudha, Gopalkrishnan, Bina, Nidhana, Divya, Promila, Neera, Aditi, Ranjani, Shripriya, Ratan, Ysadesi, Meera, Supriya, Krishnan, Smita and all the others who enriched me with their views by posting comments on my blog posts. I was so excited whenever Sulekha sent me an alert informing me of your comment on my blogs, and felt grateful for giving your precious time to read and respond to my posts. I thought if you could do it, why can't I. Hence, the new year resolution.
With my best wishes for a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009 to Sulekha Team, Fellow Bloggers and my Readers: May this new year bring many opportunities your way to explore every joy of life. And, as Sulekha Team puts it very often in their posts, “Simply blog on!”